Created as part of Dance Epidemic (Creative Gatherings) for Panpapanpalya, Joint Dance Congress 2018.

Dance Epidemic, a site specific work at the Royal Adelaide Hospital (RAH) and South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI), led by Madalena Victorino and Giacomo Scalesi with Jo Clancy, Gavin Clarke, Molly Flanagan, Carol Wellman Kelly, Lisa Lanzi, Katrina Lazaroff, Alice Lee Holland, Adrianne Semmens, Tanya Voges and David Williams.

Project partners: University of South Australia, Dance and the Child international (daCi), World Dance Alliance (WDA), Arts South Australia, Ausdance SA, Centre for Creative Health at the Royal Adelaide Hospital, South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI), Australian Dance Theatre, Royal Academy of Dance, University of Auckland, Queensland University of Technology.


Dance Epidemic

‘UNRAVELLING’, one of several short site specific work created for Dance Epidemic.

Choreographer: Adrianne Semmens

Performers (congress participants): Ella Brennan, Alaina Chowen, Chin-Ping Chuang, Amelia de Ylaming, Melia Golden, Patricia Hayes Cavanagh, Yun-Haun Lai, Ari Lazer, Shin-Wei Liaw, Adie Mason, Ena Miyauchi, Tess Nayler, Jessica Nicholls, Shantelle Pham, Aoi Suzuki, Anastasia Vickers and Shin-Ting Yen.

Composer: Sasha Budinski

Choreographed in collaboration with the international youth dancers, the site specific work was situated in the RAH foyer courtyard and initially inspired by the wrapping and unravelling of bandages.

The work also comments on the significance of place and journey, with the dancers pathways and interactions across the courtyard alike the footprints of the many hospital patients and visitors imprinting their stories in the space.

Follow the link to view a short video on the project, Dance & Science: 'Dance Epidemic – Panpapanpalya' (2018). International Dance Congress, created by Jen Brown.

(View documentation of Unravel from 3:44)

Ausdance SA (Creative Gatherings), 2019 Ruby Awards finalist, Best Regional or Community Event or Project.




Dance Education