'Thread', October 2020.
Commissioned as part of 'The World's Smallest Stage', a project in collaboration with Australian Dance Theatre and local South Australian choreographers, dancers and musicians.
Choreographer: Adrianne Semmens
Performer: Janelle Egan
Composer: Bree Tranter
Project concept: Garry Stewart
Image credits: Sam Roberts Photography
Created during social isolation, this piece is one of 10 works choreographed via video conferencing technology during the Covid-19 restrictions of 2020.
This project was generously supported by the Government of South Australian through the Department of Premier and Cabinet, Tanja Liedtke Foundation and Music SA, and was proudly presented by Henschke and Harlequin Floors.
‘This work shares an intimate moment of connectedness, amid the physical distance, family commitments, concerns and grief experienced by the creative team during the work’s development.
Thread responds to the reflective nature of that time, our internalisation and the need to stay grounded through our connections to place and practice.
The piece is significantly inspired by our return to weaving during this time, providing the basis of the movement exploration.
Much love and appreciation to all of the aunties and friends who have shared their weaving practices with us over the years’.
Images: Sam Roberts Photography